Our Services

Slow Mo Manila is not just video, we also provide other groovy services for your personal/business needs.


[icon type=”camera”]Illustrative Portraits[/icon]

We provide illustrative photos. Unlike others, our way of crafting our photographs are awesome. If you are looking for a different look for your photos, check out our portfolio. Our works are not for everyone, you have to be really groovy to get it. (Photos ideal for pre-nup, commercial/ad campaigns or anyone who wants to stand out)

[icon type=”video”]Slow Mo Videobooth[/icon]

Photobooths are the thing of the past, if you are looking for something fun and very interactive then our videobooth is for you. See your guests go wild and smile like crazy as we shoot them and render them in slow mo.

[icon type=”pics”]Action Shots Illustrations[/icon]

We specialize in integrating motion and photos. Want photos that are mindblowing and awesome, check out our portfolio.(Photos ideal for pre-nup, commercial/ad campaigns or anyone who wants to stand out).




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